Since coronavirus epidemic cycling has experienced a boom in the UK and other parts like the EU and US. According to Cycling Weekly 1.3 million Uk residents bought a bike recently with at least as many getting old ones restored or refurbished. The reason is simple; risk of contagion on public transport, the weather, a low traffic period and an increase in cycle lanes and car-free areas and reduced speed limit which are a enforced by the Police with evidence from the increasing numbers of head-cams on other cameras on bikes.
As welcome as this is it has presented it's own problems with the supply of spare parts. Cycle shops and bike workshops and wholesalers have low stock of inner tubes cables, chains and other common parts and accessories. The supply mostly from China was disrupted by the virus and is geared up to supply the regular demand. I'm sure factories are working on it but for a time there will be shortage.
We can still get your bike serviced but this may mean repairing punctures and treating tubes with Slime rather than replacing the tube. Cable might have to be recycled- old rear ones used in the front etc.
Nevertheless we are confident we can fix most bike up and keep you safe and efficient. Get in touch on